
Friday, April 18, 2008

Day at the Market

One of my favorite memories from studying abroad in France is my daily visit to the farmers market. Each morning on my way to class, I would stop by and pick up breakfast-- grape tomatoes fresh off the vine, strawberries, grapes, etc. Breakfast to go a la francais. I loved walking along the carts, looking at the vibrant colors of the fruits and vegetables. Something about the arrangement of the big blocks of color, I found utterly stimulating.

When I moved to Birmingham, I learned of its huge, daily farmers market. Today, I finally went. I am only upset I didn't go sooner. It was wonderful! Better than a shopping mall. Okay, maybe not. Anyway, one of the vendors must have thought I was weird as I just strolled up and down the tight aisles with my mouth open, eyes glazed over at all of the beautiful produce. And to top it off, they had a flea market. Um, did someone say, heaven?

Here's what I walked away with....

It wasn't two minutes after I walked into the house that I had a slice of tomato with salt and pepper. And I don't think I've ever tasted a sweeter strawberry! However, I am most excited about my white hobnail milk glass for $4.50. As my Mom would say, it's the bargain of the day!

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