
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Favorite Spot

Do you have favorite spots in your home? I do. And this is one of them. It's in our hallway by the front door.

My mom always told me to have a mirror by the front door to a.) look at yourself before receiving guests and b.) look at yourself before leaving the house. I was actually with my Mom when we found the mirror alongside Commonwealth Avenue in Boston. We were removing my dorm furniture from storage and saw that someone was giving it to the garbage man. There were actually two, so one for me and one for Mom. We brought them home and painted them white. And to think, they might have ended up as landfill. We were going green, even before it was en vogue.

The table is from a friend of my Mom's and was modeled after one in Horchow. (There are actually two of those as well. The other resides in the guest bedroom.) The ball-feet and knob are absolutely adorable. This piece reminds me of the oversized, whimsical furniture in Alice in Wonderland. The lamp is vintage of course, with a floral painted design and a green and white GINGHAM shade.

It's simple, but I love walking in and seeing this area.


  1. What an adorable corner! Cute and unique stand. Lovin' the green gingham shade.

  2. Sorry for so many comments. Yellow is a color that's hard for me to get just right. But I love the shade you have in this corner. Would you mind telling what color it is?


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