
Monday, May 26, 2008

Squeal of a Deal

Despite growing up on and around the lake, I had yet to fish the fruitful waters of Lake Martin. Until now. (Insert Andy Griffith Show theme song.) Call it beginner's luck, but I caught five squealers (catfish), one small brim and lots of pinestraw. Squealer is such an appropriate name. I squealed everytime I caught one. It was absolutely exhilarating. I totally understand how the sport of fishing could easily become addictive. Fishermen of America, you have my understanding. We stayed out fishin' well past 11:00 pm under the premise "just one more cast and then we'll go in."

This is the first fish of many to come! Now, I admit I didn't 100% fish, meaning I didn't bait or unhook anything from anything. I just casted the line and reeled 'em in. What are boys for anyway? David barely got me to hold this one long enough to snap a picture. Too bad we didn't get the fish's good side.

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