
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Straight from the Beach

Mom and I had a fabulous weekend filled with shopping, shopping, good food and shopping. Amidst our shopping frenzy, we also found time to visit Seaside. Okay, I admit, to ultimately do more shopping! For those of you who haven't visited Seaside, let me explain. Seaside = beach and pretty home heaven. Technically, Seaside is a subdivision, I suppose, though to call it that is almost an insult. Located in Grayton Beach, Florida, Seaside is more of a way of life. All of the homes are painted in wonderful pastels with my favorite, white woodwork and tin roofs. And get this, each home has a name! It's like Wisteria Lane meets the beach. I chose a few of my faves to share...and it ended up being seven. Like choosing a favorite child!

One house, two house, red house, blue house.

Such detail work!

Wouldn't I love to walk under a trellis to my front door!

So inviting, hard to resist, just walking in.

Not enough words to describe.

All over Seaside, you can see these cute rooftops and widows' walks peeking out above the palms.

Much more picturesque sans Ford F150s and trailer, but picturesque nonetheless.

Antique store in Seaside

How sweet is this church? Even down to the three tiered topiaries flanking the front doors.
Along Ruskin Street, people open up the first floor as a store front and live above on the second and third. This was one of the many.
Now, back to reality, Elizabeth. At the thrift stores and flea markets, Mom and I found some wonderful bargains. I came home with all of this milk glass!!!! I'm a sucker for anything with a pedestal, what can I say. And I had to buy two of anything I could because my Mom said so, of course!
Gorgheous, dahling, gorgheous.
JCrew outlet finds
Cannot wait for next year. A huge believer in being proactive, I collected business cards from each thrift store/flea market we visited.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    Just popped by from your comment on Cottage Bethy and looked around your beautiful blog. I noticed that a few posts back you asked Santa for the MacKenzie-Child's pretty chandilier and just wanted to let you know, if you didn't already get it or already know, that it is on sale now. I'm loving it too. Stop by for a visit if you get a chance.
    Take care,


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