
Monday, June 9, 2008

Holy Grail of Martha Stewart

While at the Lake this weekend, I visited the farmers' market in our hometown with Fabulous Girl Katherine. FG Katherine and I both share a love of European markets, so we pretended we were in Italy and France, respectively.

Never did I imagine what luck Saturday morning would bring. I stumbled upon this new antique mall and came across this rare, rare find. I almost fainted with delight. I tried to explain to FG Katherine the magnitude of the situation. I mean, in my hands was the original MS Weddings Book in prime condition and even the jacket. Oh Martha, how we love thee.

Also in this store were these two books- Martha Stewart's Tag Sales and Flea Markets and Better Homes and Garden's Flea Market Decorating. All three books totaled a mere $12! What bargains!

1 comment:

  1. I bought the Martha Stewart book for a friend and a cousin years ago and I was lucky enough to get them signed.
    When I got married, a few years later, I checked it out of the library and consulted the book.
    You got quite the find.


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