
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Chez Fon Fon est Fun Fun

Last night, David and I dined at the delicious Chez Fon Fon in downtown Birmingham. My Aunt Judy and Uncle Mack treated us along with some family members to a fabulous dinner. The atmosphere is so authentically French. I was quite taken by surprise that such a place could exist in Alabama. Pleasantly surprised however. They have even set up a boule courtyard where men come and smoke cigars and tell tall-tales in the evening. How much more French can you get?

I began the evening with one of my favorite drinks- Kir Royale. Yum Yum. We nibbled on crostini topped with olive tapenade and goat cheese. I ordered the mussels which are drenched in a lemon, garlicy wine sauce that I soaked up completely with French bread. My host parents taught me that this is okay and actually encouraged to do. When in France....or in a French restaurant, do as the French do, right?

To completely top the night off, we got to meet owner and Chef Frank Stitt. Quel surprise!


  1. Kir Royale! Oh, that takes me back to my summer time spent on the French Riviera! Thanks for sharing such a neat dining experience!

  2. I LOVE Chez Fon Fon! One of my favorites in Bham. Make sure you try Highlands next door!


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