
Sunday, July 20, 2008

Time for Change

Do you have any spaces or vignettes in your home that you just cannot stop re-working? This one is mine.

I believe the cause behind this obsession is the difficulty I experience in choosing which tchotskies get the lime light and which do not. It's almost like choosing a favorite child. I mean, how does one choose between a lovely hobnail, scallopped milk glass chip and dip and an antique pink and gold teacup? Oy, life's decisions!

And by George, I think I've finally got it. (I say this, and next week, you will probably see a blog post with a new picture.) But for now, I am happy. My collection de milk glass now resides on two shelves and the middle shelf is a melange of pastel favorites. Atop the cabinet, I have found a wonderful home for this beautiful clock. Our family friend Debbie gave it to me as a birthday gift. I tried placing it on the fireplace mantle, but that spot just didn't do it justice. I think the scale is better here!

Hope everyone has a wonderful week. I am so excited...we have a very, very special guest coming to the office this week. Many, many outfits need to be scouted.


  1. Your hutch/cupboard would look great painted white. The items inside would show up even better!

  2. Tell me about it Forever Vintage. I've been trying to convince my fiance of this for months now!!! I think I might just do a post on this and take a tally of white vs. wood....

    Thank you for the inspiration!


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