
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Victoria, British Columbia: Part One

Prepare yourself as this will be a very looonnnggg blog post. It has been eight days since my last blog post, forgive me fellow bloggers!

This past Tuesday evening found David and myself both packing until the wee hours of the A.M. I suppose this is one of our similarities- we're procrastinators. As organized as I am and as unorganized as he tends to be (bless his unorganized heart!), we tend to put matters off until the last minute. As we are deep in the midst of packing, I glance over to survey his packing status:

and then I glance back over to my nice, neat little piles, complete with coordinating shoes, jewelry and handbags:

... so indicative of our personalities and interests. David was packing about 8 bags of freeze-dried space food and two outfits for a six-day camping trip in the California mountains. I was headed to Victoria, British Columbia for a special event with work for five days and packing 10 complete sets of outfits all neatly folded and packed in coordinating suitcases. Mars and Venus. Enough said.

I took pictures all along the way:

We only had a brief time in Seattle between our plane landing and the Clipper departing. But what I did see I loved! I could have spent a day alone at the Pike Place Market.

How do I get my petunias to look like this? If I use Miracle Gro, what must they use?

If I lived in Seattle, I would have fresh flowers in my house every week for this price.

Here's our ride. The Clipper claims to see whales once a month. They had just seen them the day before. :(

Here's Parliament with a beautiful shade of patina.

This, my friends, is the Empress. It looks like it came straight from the pages of a fairy tale doesn't it? The ivy, the eaves, the patina. Luckily, our entire event took place at the Empress!

I have loved staying in hotels since I was little and the Empress is like, the Queen of hotels. When I stepped into my room, this is what greeted me! Yum!!!

The Empress is known for its tea service, which is why we had chosen the hotel. How cute is this? It's the little things in life for me.

This is only the beginning. More pictures to come!


  1. First, they are not outfits. Second, if they were called outfits i technically only had one for the six day trip. One shirt, one short, but i splurged a bit by packing two pairs of underwear.

    Love, David

  2. Happy to see that my fiance finally posted a comment on my blog. A comment about two pairs of underwear for a six-day trip was not really what I had imagined; nevertheless, I am happy to see a comment!


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