
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Little Piece of Heaven

So, here are some pictures...okay, a lot of pictures of my humble abode! Keep in mind, all homes are works in progress...


  1. i would expect nothing less.... totally white and totally adorable! have a great thanksgiving tomorrow at your new place!!

  2. Loved the pics of your home Elizabeth. Very pretty indeed..and yes all homes are a work in progress for sure.

  3. I love it! It looks fabulous (and totally you)!

  4. Oh, utter and complete LOVELINESS!!! I was wishing each one of the pictures could be enlarged so I could study every little detail! You have a beautiful home. Can't wait to see more of it! The desk and chair, bedroom, all of it... *sigh* Can I rent it for a week of pure bliss? :)

  5. Oh! I just realized I have that same duvet cover on our bed. But it's so much prettier on yours. We have a beautiful maple sleigh bed that I've been hankering to paint white and just haven't gotten up the courage to do it.


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