
Monday, December 1, 2008

Call Me Tim, the Tool Man Taylor

One of the first things I noticed after moving in to my new shower head. A shower head can make or break a shower. And this one, my friends, was awful. It sprayed water on the perimeter of the shower head, but no water in the middle. So, to wash one's hair, one had to stand on the edge of the tub and lean into the water. Not a pleasant experience, to say the least.

Tonight, after a routine trip to Wal-Mart, I installed a new shower head!! Yes, it was technically just a unscrew the old one and screw on the new one type ordeal, but an accomplishment nonetheless. If you haven't noticed, I'm not really the Mr. Fix It type. (I have a pink plastic toolbox with pink tools.) And best of all, it's green (as in eco-friendly).

I called my Dad immediately to let him know that his non-Mr. Fix it type daughter had, in fact, taken her first step to fixin' somethin'. Yeehaww.

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