
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Addtions, Big and Small

Hear ye, hear ye: New additions have been added to the household!!

I found this needlepoint pillow at a local antique shop in Homewood. I liked it so much, I even paid the price listed on the price tag. How often do you find all of your favorite colors in one pillow, and a needlepoint pillow at that?

Now, I am extremely excited about this piece below as it marks a monumental transition for me! This piece found me while I was shopping with Mom in Crestview, Florida. (For those of you who have never been, you simply must - it has a wonderful Main Street type area with lots of antique shops.) For quite sometime, I've been on the hunt for a well-priced, good looking secretary....a furniture piece that is, not an assistant. I have never been one for functionality. Beauty, in my mind, always trumps functionality. However, this piece has them both. What a rare, rare occasion. I simply had to have it! Thank you Mom for this wonderful birthday present!

These dessert bowls below were also a birthday present. Pedestals, Tiffany blue and fringed edges, oh my!

The return of spring was accompanied by the return of my green thumb! I opted for white mandevillas this year rather than pink. White may just become my signah-ture colah, dahling.

This addition was a much needed one. While I loved my dropleaf table dearly, I do like this one much better. And Mom and I found it on the side of the road for $10! Yeeeee hawwww. Now, if I could only find four chairs that cheap.......... I suppose that gives me a new search project!

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