
Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things

1. Origins Ginger Incredible Spreadable Scrub and Souffle - enough said.

2. Lilly on Facebook! The best part is, you can download cute Lilly desktops. Now, I see Lilly every time I close a window on my otherwise dull work PC.

Image courtesy of Food Network
3. Barefoot Contessa, can we be friends? I just wish I could go visit her in "the barn" (have you ever seen a barn look like her barn?) and she'd cook for Jeffrey and me. I recently became a fan of hers on Facebook. Does that count as being friends?!

4. Izze Sparkling Blackberry - oh so de-lish-ussss. Without restraint, I could easily guzzle three of the these yummy drinkns in a day. I've also tried Sparkling Grapefruit, but Blackberry is still my favorite. I just found out on that they have a Sparkling Blueberry!


  1. Can I join you for dinner at the Contessa's? Love her barn as well -a few months ago I blogged about her workspace there. Fabulous place! Never tried Izze, sounds delcious - will have to find some!
    Happy Friday!

  2. Congrats! You won my big beauty giveaway - please e-mail your address to coterieblog at gmail dot com!

    Thanks :)

  3. I want to be friends with Ina her!!


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