
Monday, June 14, 2010

Drumroll Please...

After many loooonnng hours of scouring the Internet for a digital camera, I am pleased to introduce my Sony Cybershot DSC W370. Quite a name for such a small little thing. I have spent hours on Best Buy, CNet and reading reviews and comparing cameras. This might actually be the most research that I've put into any one single item. A majority of the time, my retail habits are based solely on aesthetic value. Yes,  I judge books by the cover. (Heck, sometimes, I even purchase books simply for their covers.)

All this said, this camera is my ticket back to blogging. I have been absent for quite sometime, mostly due to laziness or lack of time, but also because Camera #1 died. So, here goes. Please hold me accountable, dear blog readers....if there are any readers still.....

Also, I must thank my sweet Mom for this early birthday present. Thank you!

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