
Friday, July 30, 2010

100th Post Giveaway Winner!!

So, the winner of the 100th post giveaway is........

Entry #25: Mrs. MFC

Mrs. MFC, please post a comment with your mailing address, which only I will see and will not publish on the blog.

Thanks to everyone for entering!! 
I loved hosting a giveaway, so more will be on their way very soon.


  1. your blog is cute as can be :). I'm new to this whole blog thing and am trying to figure it out. I "followed" you so now I guess I can keep up with your posts without having to hunt you down? Haha. If you could "follow" me it would be much appreciated. Your eye for beauty is what I love about reading blogs like yours!!


  2. I was so close Elizabeth! 1 away - darn! Can't wait for the next giveaway though ;)

  3. Darn...I was so close! Congrats to the lucky winner.

  4. Oh YAY!!!!!!! I am so sxcited that I won!!!! Thanks so much for hosting such a cute giveaway!


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