
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Art Show....A Success!

Months ago I began taking art classes from a local Birmingham, Alabama artist - I call her Art Teacher Beth (A.T.B.). She is a lovely in every way. Quite the opposite of my type A personality, but it works. She's tried to teach taught me to just loosen up.

In addition to acquiring a lovely collection of personal art in my home, I've made quite a few friends in the process. Ms. Ann is one such friend. She and A.T.B. invited me to participate in an art show they were exhibiting in this Sunday. Of course I accepted. I exhibited 12 pieces, some older and some new. And guess what.... I SOLD A PAINTING ... TO SOMEONE I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW. It was not my sweet Mother who was my very first patron, but a non-family patron!

Here's the purchased painting! I sold it to a lovely couple who just moved into a downtown loft.

I must admit, these paintings have become my babies. I'm not sure if I could let them go to not-so-lovely homes?? For more paintings, see the My Paintings link up top, but I beg of you, please be gentle.


  1. How exciting! I am not surprised though, you're paintings are beautiful! I love Beverly and Pink Lady... but America is my favorite. Good luck with you're paintings, you are very talented!

  2. Thank you! Beverly was actually named after my Mother who loves all white!

  3. Wow, I'm so impressed!! Your paintings are beautiful!

  4. Elizabeth! They look so awesome! A far cry from the quasi-paint-by-number creations we cooked up on my trip to Birmingham - but we had fun! I love Peonies in a Mason Jar and I'd like to commission a version of Save Me that fits into the color scheme of my apartment. Is that ok? Or does that offend your artistic sensibilities?

  5. Congratulations on selling one of your pieces of artwork! I really like that. Being that I can’t even draw a stick figure, this is very impressive to me. I love Paris in Spring, 10 o’clock and Peonies in a Mason Jar.

  6. Thank you, thank you. I was a bit nervous putting these on the blog. I feel like a singer on stage for the first time. Ack.

    Anne - my artistic sensibilities are in no way offended. I'll just have to tack on a hefty fee for the commissioning. :)


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