
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mama Needs a New Pair of Shoes

On Wednesday, June 30, I received an e-mail from my Aunt Judy saying that one of her dear friends (We'll call her Imelda for the sake of the blog and privacy.) was purging her shoe collection......lucky for me Imelda is a size 6/6.5. After work, I drove to Imelda's home, thinking oh maybe she has a few, at most 10 pairs to give me. WRONG! I walk up her beautiful spiral staircase to find not 10, but 66 pairs o' shoes waiting for lil ol' me. AH-MAY-ZING! I had died and gone to heaven. Let's just say, I received quite a few stares in the time it took me to transport them from my packed-to-the gills trunk inside my apartment. Luckily sweet David came over right in time to help me unpack and decide which to keep and which to donate, as instructed by Imelda.

Here's what 66 pairs o' shoes looks like:

David was just as excited as I was. I love how he indulges me for the sake of blog pictures. What a sweet man.

David with his one pair of shoes.

Thank you, thank you Imelda!

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