
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Perusin' the Cruisers

Lately, I've found myself wanting a bike, uh hmm, I mean a cruiser. Not one of those fancy 10 speed things or mountain climbers. Just a lovely apparatus with two wheels and a basket that I can ska-daddle about town on. By no means, am I the athletic type.

When I was studying abroad in France, Kirsti, a fellow student/friend, and I decided to rent bikes for a day. A few nights before I had met a gorgeous Frenchman at a local bar. (He was dressed a la Tom Cruise in Top Gun - leather bomber jacket and jeans. Normally I wouldn't like these type jackets, but on a Frenchman, come on! His name was Paul - a disappointing name for a gorgeous Frenchman, I must say.) So, Kirsti and I rented bikes. It had been years since I had been on a bike, so I tested it out on the sidewalk. I was doing fine until I realized the sidewalk was ending into busy traffic. Unable to stop quickly enough I attempted to put my foot down and tipped over, falling off the bike onto a lovely French street. Great. Just great. Who wants to be ungraceful in France? Pas moi. So, I decided to walk my bike through the streets until we got to the less-busy river sidewalk. On the way, who do I see? Beautiful, handsome, gorgeous Paul. In French, he proceeds to ask me what I'm doing that day. To which I reply in French, "Riding bikes." Paul looks at me and looks at my bike. With my American tail between my clumsy legs, I correct myself, "Walking bikes." I haven't ridden on or walked a bike since.

Now that the trauma from this experience has subsided, I find myself, obsessing over a cruiser bike. Since I've declared this obsession to myself, my mom and David, I'm seeing them everywhere. Why does it always work that way? Cruisers can be quite expensive. However, I've found these two at Wal-Mart for under $100. The hard part is deciding which color I like best.

Let's analyze.

PINK PROS: my signature color, girly
PINK CONS: is it too girly? do I look like an 8 year old girl rather than a 20-something?

MINT GREEN PROS: reminds me of a soda fountain shop, love the leather-y seat, beautiful color that's not too over-the-top girly
MINT GREEN CONS: it's not my signature color

What to do, what to do!


  1. AHHH!! I love cruisers too!! There was a dark blue one Target on Saturday. I say Green =)

  2. So cute! I've also been wanting a bike but have nowhere to keep it in my walk-in-closet-esque Beacon Hill apartment. I say mint green. Obviously love the pink but still voting green. Have you seen the Lilly cruiser!? Save your pennies!

  3. Yes, I have seen the Lilly cruiser!! It's so cute, but definitely beyond my budget.


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