
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Nantahala Part 1

We had THE best weekend in Bryson City! The friends, football, cabin, rafting - everything was perfect. Here are some pics!

David during the car ride to Bryson City. I called shotgun for the front seat. When I turned around and saw him with his "I just woke up face", pillow in lap, and to-go cup with a straw, I thought he looked like his 7-year-old self. So cute.

Jordan and David insisted we stop to see one of the dams on the Ocoee River. We've already decided the Ocoee will be our next rafting adventure.

Jordan and David checking out the map. What's up with boys and maps?

David and Me along the Nantahala River. My JCrew garb didn't really fit in with the hippie vibe at the Nantahala Outdoor Center.

David and Jordan. I felt like their mom trying to get them to stand closer to each other for the sake of the picture. "Move in closer, clo-ser, closer, okay, nevermind."

The boys again. This time, I sprang the picture on them before they had time to move apart. 

Rough part of the Nantahala River. They won't let you go this far...thank goodness.

Me standing along the Nantahala. I thought I didn't really fit in with the scene....

Until I spotted this - a green and white polka dot kayak! How wonderful is that!

Mr. Handsome standing on the bridge overlooking the Nantahala. Such pretty surroundings!

More pictures to come later!


  1. I HAVE to have that kayak! We always rent ours when we go, but I'd love to just get my own!

  2. The polka dotted Kayak is actually one of my friend's sisters!

  3. Yeah... that's my boat ya'll. Thanks :)

  4. What a small blog world! I love it!


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