
Monday, November 22, 2010

Cattin' Around Town

You know those weekends that are so fabulous, you don't even know where to begin? That was this weekend - old friends, new friends, new places, new faces....

On Friday, David and I had date night at Bettola, a local Italian restaurant. Months ago, I made a list of all the Birmingham restaurants I want to try. I was ecstatic when I found out we were going to one of the places on my list. Bettola went something like this: cocktails, wine, bruschetta, wine, lamb, pasta, cheese and honey, and of course, more wine. This was by far, one of the best dining experiences we've had in quite a while. My mouth waters just thinking of it now.

Saturday, we went to a hometown friend's wedding in Birmingham. It basically amounted to lots o' fun/mini Alex.City reunion. When I picked David up, we both laughed as we had unknowingly coordinated outfits - he in his pink tie and me in my new pink Lilly. (I actually believe he subconsciously chose to match me since I mentioned my new pink dress to him earlier in the week, but that's just me.) I think we pull of the whole high school prom-ish look circa 1998 quite well. 

And of course, my local Birmingham blog friends - Lacey and Jessica. Yay blogs.


  1. what a fun weekend!!

    I tried to upload my picture of us and blogger would NOT let me...

    I'm not sure what the problem was but I will be sure to try again!

    Oh... and I loved that you two were on the same page with your fashion. too funny!


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