
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Not So Shabby Secret

I have a wonderful secret that I'm dying to share. It's so good, I can't contain myself. Sharing is not easy for me (I'm an only child), but I'm sharing for the greater good of blog readers everywhere. Afterall, I never would have known this great little detail had it not been for this blog.

Okay, deep breath.................... {insert Oprah-like yell} Michaels has Rachel Ashwell Shabby Chic in its Dollar Bins!!!!!

I share this tidbit with great trepidation as I want to go to every Michaels in the U.S. and hoard all of the products. But, I won't. I'll be good and share with you.

My trip to Michaels went something like this: Walk in to Michaels. Scamper run to the Dollar Bin section. Scan the bins for Shabby Chic. Bingo. Run back, grab a basket. Place basket on the floor. Hog the area in front of the Shabby Chic items. Gather notebooks, pens, emery boards, post-it notes like a squirrel preparing for winter. Fill basket with sixty $1 items. Proceed to checkout. Receive a surprised look from sales clerk who then asks, "Is that basket filled with pens?" Me: No, of course not.....It's pens, notebooks, emery boards AND post-it notes. Her: I think that's a record for dollar items. Me: I know! I love Shabby Chic and Rachel Ashwell and I had to come immediately before I missed out. Her: Okay, let's count, 1-2-3...23 pens. Me: Do you think I got enough? I may be coming back later.

Crazy I tell you. Her, not me. My shopping behavior is completely normal. Here are pics of the loot!


  1. This post was funny - You know there is a name for this sickness LOL!!! Yes as a fellow only child sharing is always hard!!! I like your purchases - very pretty!!


  2. My mouth is hanging open right now!!! I might even be drooling! I'm evaluating my work day right now and trying to decide when I can sneak out of the office to go to Michaels!!!! Hope mine still has some!

  3. Good luck Mrs. MFC! Hope you find lots of goodies!

  4. U are so wild!! Haha miss you!!

  5. Oh my lil bit! You never cease to amaze me. Love the loot!

  6. JAMIE!! I'm so glad you're a blog reader!


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