
Thursday, February 17, 2011

All's Fair in Fairhope

Remember my post about David and I going to Cirque du Soleil's Dralion show? Well, here are the pictures from our Fairhope/Mobile visit! 

Aurora's - a slightly new restaurant in Fairhope opened by Tamara, a local restaurateur who apparently doesn't even need a last name. She's like Oprah or Cher. Anyway, we had delicious tapas at Aurora's. So yummy! Highly recommend this place.

Here's the front veranda. The windows even open - perfect for warmer days. I loved the melange of chairs at each table. Eclectic but still sophisticated, no?

David and I are anxiously awaiting our tapas....

David's Mom - Miss Laura

We each decided to order an appetizer/tapa and share. The scallops were David's choice. I ordered the ahi tuna and Miss Laura ordered the bacon wrapped figs stuffed with chorizo. YUMMMM. I think we ate those before I could snap a picture.

Lyon's Share art gallery. On the first Friday of each month, Fairhope hosts Art Walk to showcase local artists. Several of the galleries provide complimentary wine and beer and snacks. Isn't that so neat? I love this city.

Could've spent hours looking at all these fraaames.

Ah, this is a local celebrity. I'm not sure of her name, but she sits in her antique wrought iron bed in one of the windows or a local art gallery. She even sleeps there by herself at night.

Marrakech - a local store with all whites and neutrals. Basically, heaven. The off-white Swedish clock in the window reeled me in.

Lovely chaise

 Did I mention the plethora of antique stores in Fairhope. Look at this lovely white beauty of a mirror. Don't you love the detail?

And this sweet flower cart. Wouldn't it be great to have it on a porch with potted plants?

Gasp. A chair upholstered entirely in needlepoint. I die. And even better, David liked it. And he never likes my needlepoint finds. Win - win.

One of the last places we went - Wintzell's Oysters served fried, stewed or nude. I thought the drawings were cute.


  1. Wentzell's was featured on a Food Network show I was watching recently. Not sure which show... but it was supposedly one of the "can't miss" restaurants for Southern fried food.

    Also-- that cat in the iron bed is so random. haha.

  2. Oh good. I always like going to the "can't miss" spots when visiting a new place. The oysters were so good!

    Yes, I know the cat is particularly random. But cute nonetheless.


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