
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer To Do

First and foremost, happy first day of summer! (Did you know -The summer solstice is actually the longest day of the year.) It's crazy to think that it's now summer given Alabama has endured 90 degree temperatures for weeks.

Now, cut to the chase.

Nothing gives me joy like making a to-do list. Current lists I have in my life: Movies to Watch, Restaurants to Enjoy, Magazines I Currently Receive (with expiration date noted), Daily Work To-Do List....the list could go on and on. Each summer, David and I are met with small regrets about what we didn't do. To rid our lives of regret, I decided to make a list! Brilliant.

Here's the summer to-do list. It will also be a separate page link at the top of my blog so I can hold myself publicly accountable. Just to be exact, I'm defining "summer" by the official calendar dates - June 21 - September 22. Let the countdown begin.


T H E  L I S T :

  1. Go to Hot & Hot Fish Club and order the tomato salad
  2. Read a book
  3. Make homemade strawberry cake
  4. Watch an outdoor movie at Homewood Park
  5. Go to Pepper Place Farmers Market
  6. Make pesto from my basil
  7. Host a picnic
  8. Go hiking at Oak Mountain State Park
  9. Buy a new sundress
  10. Cook dinner for Mom
  11. Fourth of July fireworks show on Lake Martin
  12. Rollerblade on Vulcan Trail and Lakeshore Trail
  13. Have a sno-cone (peaches and cream)
  14. Host a girls' night dinner
  15. Go bowling
  16. Play Monopoly
  17. Go to a wine tasting
  18. Watch a movie at the $1 movie theater
  19. Weekend trip to Fairhope, AL
  20. Make smores
  21. Paint a new painting
  22. Put a puzzle together
  23. Try a new nail polish
  24. Go camping
  25. Weekend trip to Callaway Gardens
  26. Go to an art museum
  27. Wash the car
  28. Enjoy a limemade from Carlisle's Drugstore
  29. Do something for charity
  30. Try a new cheese



  1. love the list! if you and David need some partners on these hit us up!!

  2. This list is wonderful! Summer is such a lazy time so I ususally forget to do what I set out to do and lists are the one thing that keeps me on track.


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