
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Flowers, Birthday and Pool

You know those great blog posts that are cohesive, coordinated and chronological. This is not one of those. No, this blog post is, as you will see, all over the place.

Call it a catch-up post, if you will. I intended to post these pictures in individual posts. But, as you know, the best of intentions are worthless without action. So, rather than let these memories go to waste, I am lumping them all together.

Pool time! This summer has been H-O-T. Think 90+ degree weather. Needless to say, much of my summer has been spent at the pool. L-R: Adam, Audrey, David and Lizzie

Even at night it's pretty warm. Nothing is more relaxing than a night time pool party!
Adam, Audrey, Me and David

I recently (in June) celebrated my 2*th birthday. It was beyond-words-fabulous. This orchid was given to me by two friends. I had to snap a snot of it. I love orchids - the color, modern-ness...but I was nervous. Orchids and me do not have a good history. Bu, this one is still kicking! 

No, this is not a botany post. But I had to squeeze in this picture, too. Mom sent me flowers on my birthday! Aren't they gorgeous!

Me with David at one of our favorite local spots - Gian Marco. Quaint, cozy atmosphere, the smell of authentic Italian food and wine - very romantic! (Sorry for the lighting quality. I didn't want to ask the waitress for a do-over. As picky as I am, the process could have been endless.)

Th following weekend, we celebrated my birthday again. Since my birthday was on a weeknight, David decided a second birthday celebration was in order. Now, how does that involve a watermelon, you ask. Well, this isn't just any ol' watermelon. No, this is El Salvador, prepared and named by our friend Rhett. El Salvador is spiked with vodka. I admit, I was nervous about eating a vodka-infused watermelon, but it was sooo refreshing and yummy on a hot summer Saturday. I like to think of it as a grown up pinata. (cut a small hole, stuff yummy goodies inside, close it back up and then bust it open for treats.)

Aside from the pool, I've also spent time at my Mom's and time with Mom is not complete without a trip to her booth at the antique mall. I snapped a few shots to share all of her beautiful work. What can I say, the woman's got a thing for white. 

Isn't she so talented? She takes old, antique items and makes them new again!

Three tier table makes such a statement!

I wish you could see this rocking chair in person. My snap and shoot camera doesn't do it justice. It's so pretty. The legs call all the way back and curve upward. It's to die-for. 

And, what would one of my posts be without a picture of food? This is a recent breakfast David and I co-cooked. It was too pretty to eat.....almost. Fresh sliced tomato and avocado, Conecuh sausage (only Alabamians know what this is), and tomato, mushroom and onion omelet. YUM-EE. 

1 comment:

  1. I would like to spend all this summer at the pool! You're right, a night time pool party is very relaxing! Your birthday flowers from your mom are very lovely! That orchid looks amazing too! I adore its color! Happy Birthday to you! Have a great weekend, Elizabeth!


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