
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Orange You Glad....

Yes, I am glad. Glad I have these NEW shoes. Yesterday's lunch break involved a little retail therapy. Gus Mayer (think a charming Southern version of Barney's) is having an oh-so-fabulous sale andddd I had a few gift cards that were burning a whole in my pocket.

So, after perusing the sale racks, I came across this lovely pair of orange suede peeptoes. I'm a sucker for a brightly colored shoe, especially when it's 50% off. They came home with me.

The second purchase was more of a replacement. My current Jack Rogers Navajos in Platinum look like this. Boo hoo. A broken strap on the right shoe. It didn't really seem fixable since the strap itself has unraveled itself apart. So....

Voila. By the way, love the box! It's so Palm Beach-ish. 


  1. I love your new shoes! What great finds! I have been looking for new shoes recently, but nothing is really catching my hoo! My wallet sure is happy though :)

  2. Love the new peeptoes! Not to mention it looks like you really deserveds and needed those new Jack Rogers.

  3. Love the orange pumps, and Jacks are always a great purchase!!

  4. Love the heels they are too cute! Did JR fix your shoes or did you buy replacements?

  5. Morgan Anne - I bought replacements. I wasn't sure if JR did repairs or not.


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