
Friday, July 29, 2011


Guess where last night took us....Thirsty Thursday Barons Game. It's basically a night intended to attract college students...but it also appealed to us. Well, actually the free tickets on the first base line appealed to us. (If you've never been to a Barons game, you should probably know that 3/4 of the seats are empty). Anywho, we managed to have a good time.

My night began with a stadium dog. Why do hot dogs taste so stinkin' good at a ballpark? I already love hotdogs, but they always taste better sitting in a bleacher. It feels so American. Watching baseball, cheap beer and a hot dog. Life doesn't get much better than this.

View from our seats.

Barons up to bat.

Wes and Audrey

This was after an altercation on the field. Everyone in the stands booed the ump's call. Took me by surprise that the Barons had such intense fans.


Lizzie's crush. He was the opponent but she quietly cheered him on. This pic is for you Lizzie.

And the best part of the night. The Barons won.  2-3.
Thirsty Thursday at a Barons Game. Hotdog. Beating the Huntsville Stars. #Winning.

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