
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Catch Up

Let's play a little game of catch up. My last post was written early November. And, much has happened since then. I'll hit the highlights...

I hope this annual trip never ends. I love it so, and I enjoy being surrounded by close friends and ringing in the New Year. Here are a few of my favorite shots from the weekend.

Our beach house that was literally right on the beach. On a protected sand dune actually. It was ultra modern inside. White everywhere. Obviously, I was in heaven. And art! The owner is an artist, so the place was covered in an eclectic collection of his work and others. 

Lindsay, Riley, Tom, Joe, Lizzie, Meredith, Wes, David and Jordan. The weather couldn't have been more perfect. 

My beau and moi at the Seaside Post Office. We were trying to take one of those ultra modern couple shots where you stand head-on, side-by-side and look directly at the camera. But.....somehow, I'm not sure if this stance worked for us. We just look plain awkward. BTW, just noticing...David dwarfs me. 

Jonathan, the orchestrator of this magnificent vacation and David looking all handsome

 New Year's Eve fireworks!

New Year's Day lunch at Stinky's - Kathryn, Riley and Lindsay

This Valentine's Day, David treated me to an incredibly special evening at Cafe Dupont. Prior to, I had never been but always wanted to go. David knew this because I keep lists of restaurants where I want to eat, movies I want to see, books to read....I'm a list-making fool. Any who. The experience was just that - an experience. Aside from the deliciously Southern fare, the interior of the restaurant is amazing with original tile floors and a dark-stained wood bar. I soaked in every minute. What an occasion to remember. (Side note - they have Sidebar on Wednesday nights with drink specials, complimentary apps and 25 percent off your bill.)

After much anticipation, David and I were finally able to attend a Wicked show. He's wanted to go since we lived in Boston, and I must say it was wicked good. (Indulge my Bahston humor for a moment, please.) Favorite scene, without a doubt, was Emerald City. The detailed costumes in different shades of green were amazing. Monochromatic perfection. Everything I heard was true. The story line, characters, singing - all was spectacular. Don't follow our lead and wait for 6 years. Go!

David and I have been working feverishly on his new home. I can't wait to post pictures of our hard work and the transformation. As a sneak peek, here is one of the bunks David has built. He is oh-so-proud of himself. And I'm pretty proud of him, too. Don't mind the duct tape on the wall. As I said, this is in transformation...

1 comment:

  1. I think the picture of you and David in Seaside is adorable!

    I LOVE your fashion sense. I wish you could tell me what to wear everyday!


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