
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

a dog's life in grayton

Our sweet friends Jonathan and Kathryn invited us on a last minute jaunt to Grayton Beach for the weekend. David and I happily accepted. Trip to the beach? You don't have to ask us twice. Best part of all, David's new dog Lucy Liu (Yes, Liu as in the actress. More to come on that later) also received an invitation.

I rode with Jonathan, Kathryn and their dog Nigel and we met David and Lucy. This was my view for the first half of the trip. Nothing like sharing the back seat with a Great Dane. Guess who had 2/3 of the back seat and guess who had 1/3. Turns out, the dogs ruled the entire trip.

After our late arrival Friday night, Lucy's 7 AM howling awoke us to this gorgeous view of the lake.

And this sweet face.

Lucy awaiting the day's activities. Since we only had one full day, we filled the day with lots of activities.

Kathryn and I walked to Starbucks. The boys opted for a less vacation-y activity of exercising. I choose Starbucks any day. 

The dogs played....and played.... and played. 
They thought themselves to be quite the jungle animals.

The honey and me

What's a beach trip without signature cocktails. Here's a shot of my cherry caipirissima. Kathryn made a delicious lemonade and champagne concoction. We packed up our precious cargo and headed straight to the beach.

I never tire of this.

Jonathan and Kathryn

Jonathan and David played argued about bocce ball.

Kathryn, ready for our boat ride....

Our fearless captain...of the john boat.

So, we took a john boat with a 45 horsepower motor out on the lake...with 4 people, 2 dogs and a cooler. I wish you could see how close to the water we actually were.

Kathryn and Nigel

Lucy and David

Come Sunday, everyone was exhausted, dogs included. Rather than riding with his head in the sunroof, Nigel slept the entire way home...if that tells you anything. These dogs had quite the beach trip. I think we were just along for the ride. 

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