
Saturday, April 27, 2013

Birthday Blessings

Remember Tom's 30th birthday? Well, last night, we celebrated this big guy again on his 31st with a lovely birthday dinner he and his wife Riley prepared.

 Kathryn, Jonathan and Wes all arrived in coordinating shirts.Very festive.

Christy and Wes, love this picture of them.

Kathryn with Baby Harris. We all fight take turns holding him. How can you resist that sweet face?

 Beef tenderloin cooked perfectly.

And a birthday in Birmingham would be incomplete without a cake from Edgar's Bakery. 

Which we loaded down with a mixed assortment of birthday candles. Yes, leave it to us to take a beautiful birthday cake and have fun with it.

 Birthday boy!

Serenading Tom with "Happy Birthday"

As we get older in life, I think we realize just how important good friends are. As our group gathered around to sing "Happy Birthday," I looked around the room and realized just how blessed I am to have such a close knit group. Sure, we have our share of disagreements, debates and drama, lots o' drama. But, we also have group dinners at Acapulco's that resemble a Greek family all trying to talk simultaneously. And late nights playing Horse on the Little Tykes basketball goal. And beach vacations with intense bocce competitions. And potluck cookouts. And lake weekends. And group text messages that make me laugh out loud. And it's nights like last night that you stop and think, I am so blessed.

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