
Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday's Favorites

Happy Friday! Here are five items I'm really digging now..... By the way, why is it, when you decide to spend less, save more that you come across so many items you can't live without?

Like this manual pink paper shredder...because every girl needs one to shred things, right? Yes. Wouldn't you just love the novelty of turning that dial and shredding away?! And how can you resist that color? It also comes in some other fabulous colors that are out of stock (It was featured in MS Living April issue.)

I saw this Kate Spade necklace in store a few weeks ago, and I touched it and oogled it and looked it and petted it. Then, I had to turn and go. It was a bit pricey for my budget, but it is simply beautiful. I love the gold/black combo.

Let's talk about something I can a grande Strawberries and Creme Frappuccino from Starbucks. YUM-O. I feel like this was probably intended as a kiddie menu option, but I love it. Who doesn't want to be a kid again?

Target Hobnail still my heart. 

Happy Friday to everyone and enjoy your weekend! It's beautiful weather in Alabama!!


  1. I can never find anything when I have money to spend! Go figure

  2. So true!Thanks for the comment and becoming a new follower!

  3. Love the paper shredder. And I know exactly what you mean about whenever you try to save money you come across a million items that you just have to have! I feel the exact same way. Super cute blog, I will follow!



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