
Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday Movie Review

David and I have watched a lot of movies lately. Perhaps, we've become one of those boring couples. Nahhhh. I think it's the wonderful presence of Redbox and the $1 movie theater here in Birmingham. Seriously, what cheaper date can you have? And, we usually like to combine chips, salsa and margaritas to the $1 movie theater experience. Does life get any better than margaritas and saving money?

Anywho, here are some of our choices - the good, the bad and the ugly.

The Tourist - the scenery in this movie was great. I mean, how can Europe ever look bad? The costumes reminded me of the old Alfred Hitchcock movies with Grace Kelly. Very surprising ending, overall a decent movie.  

Love Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher. I kinda forgot how funny Ashton is. He just cracks me up, so tall and gangly. This movie was better than average. A typical romantic comedy. I just wish the ending could have been better. 

Lovedddd this movie. What can I say, a Massachusetts accent gets me every time. This movie was grim, sometimes a bit dark, but overall ah-may-zing.And plus, it has Marky Mark.

Ugh. My affection for Reese Witherspoon and Jack Nicholson severely dropped after watching getting through this movie. Bad writing, bad plot, bad acting.  


  1. I agree you with 100% in regard the movie, The Fighter. WOW!! After watching it... I understood exactly why Christan Bale received the Oscar for best supporting actor! Amazing!!

    And I also agree with you about How Do You Know? I love Reese, Paul Rudd, Owen Wilson and Jack Nicholson... but not in this movie. It had great potential but just didn't live up to it.

    Thanks for the movie review!

  2. I haven't seen any of these!! ah!! I miss u and david--let's make a night of it soon!

  3. I haven't seen any of these movies..I don't think I've seen any new movies in a while. Thanks for the suggestions.

  4. Hear hear! on How Do You Know. Really, Reese, pull it together.

    Missing you tons, hope all is well!


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