
Monday, August 1, 2011

Summer List #5: Go to Pepper Place Farmers Market

Visiting Pepper Place Farmers Market has definitely been one of my favorite Summer List activities. Birmingham is so lucky to have this on Spring and Summer Saturdays. The farmers market is one of the aspects of French life that I enjoyed so much and still miss. The atmosphere is so great at Pepper Place, too. Everyone's up early, casual, milling about, eyeing fruits and vegetables, talking to local farmers. LOVE.

The morning began cream.
Yes, I had homemade Amish peach ice cream for breakfast. Why not?

Here's the entrance to all of the booths! I always get so excited walking up to see everything.

Again, another shot of the booths. It's amazing how much this market has grown over the past few years. There are so many great vendors and farmers and such a wide selection of produce.

David and I couldn't resist the Chilton County peaches. I snapped a shot while he purchased.

One of my favorite local farms/organizations - Jones Valley Urban Farm.
Read more about it here. Such a neat organization. 
Did you know that they plant sunflowers to rejuvenate the soil?

I loved the merchandising in their booth. Old wine crates filled with fresh veggies. So pretty! Look at the squash- half yellow half green.  

I seriously didn't want to leave. I just want to live at the farmers market.

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