Friday, August 5, 2011

Book Worm

No, not me. My friend Anne. We attended Boston University and more importantly, cheered together. 
Go Terriers!

Annie O is a self-professed book addict. During our sophomore and junior years, we used to discuss our dream jobs. Anne didn't know what she wanted to do when she "grew up." She just wanted to somehow end up at a publishing company where she got to choose the books that would be made into movies.

So, of course, I chose to ask for her book knowledge in achieving #2 on the Summer List. I don't want to read just any old book. The last book I read was The Help, so I need a good follow-up. Her answer to my email was so informative, I thought it made the cut to be a blog post:

My email:

If you’ve noticed on the blog, I have "read a book" on my summer to do list. I want something good. Like, The Help, quality book. By the way, can’t wait to see that  in a few weeks. Wish we could go watch it together. You could make fun of southern people with me. Anywho, any suggestions? 
*Disclaimer: Anne used to lovingly tease me about being Southern and all my quirky Southern ways. Things like, my friend saying "diddy" instead of "daddy"; fixing to....; and buttermilk with cornbread (remember that Anne?) This is in no way a slight to Southerners.

Anne's Response:

Oh my gah I'm dying to see The Help! I also want to see One Day (I read the book... liked it but didn't love it... the movie looks better). And I also want to see I Don't Know How She Does It with SJP. I watched the extended trailer and there are so many great Boston shots!
Anywhoooo, I haven't read anything really Help-level spectacular lately, but here are a few suggestions (new and old):

The Paris Wife: I just finished this. It's a fictional portrayal of Ernest Hemingway's first wife, focused mostly on their time in Paris and traveling through Europe. It was a quick read and I enjoyed it.
Moloka'i: I read this because Caitrin's book club read it. It's about a girl in Hawaii around the turn of the century who is sent to a leper colony. I know. I know. But it was actually really, really good. 
Water for Elephants: I read this when I saw the movie was coming out. I wanted to read it before the movie. So I read it. But I never saw the movie. But I loved it! I think you would like this one.
Those Who Save Us: I read this a long time ago but it is really one of my favorites. It takes place during WWII and it is really, really good. The author, Jenna Blum, is from Boston and is (slash was, not sure right now) a BU writing professor!
Memoirs of a Geisha: If you've never read it, this is the one.
Time Travelers Wife: Again, if you've never read it, you should. However, you have to kind of suspend your sense of reality if you're really going to enjoy it. Not sure if that's your thing. 
Little Bee: This was great but sad. Actually, everything I've recommended is slightly sad. Though I guess The Help is too, in a way, right? No? 

Other books I've been reading lately haven't been very novel-y. I read Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother which was good, Where Men Win Glory which was great, and the Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks which was also good, but probably not what you have in mind. 

The other books I have on my personal list are Sarah's Key, which is supposed to be amazing, and Maine, which looks good and I borrowed from the woman Caitrin nannies for. Right now I'm reading Freedom by Jonathan Franzen. 

Soooo, anyway. For YOU, I would probably say Memoirs of a Geisha (if you haven't read it) as my number one choice. Water for Elephants (if you haven't read it) as my second choice. If you've read those, the other books on the list are good, too!

My response to her response:

Wow. You really should have been a librarian. or a small, neighborhood book store owner with a dog sitting at the front stoop and your bicycle out front.

I haven't read memoirs of a geisha, but I have seen the movie. why is this your first choice for me? is it 'cause I'm Asian?


Anonymous said...

Ahh, so exciting to "meet" another Terrier! I graduated in May!

Elizabeth said...

I love "meeting" other Terriers too! Go BU! Thanks for leaving a comment.